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- T R E E S I Z E
- =================
- Version 1.77
- Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize tells you
- where precious space has gone to. TreeSize can be started from the context
- menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including
- its subfolders. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will
- see the size of every subfolder. Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already
- see results while TreeSize is working. The space, which is wasted by the file
- system can be displayed and the results can be printed in a report.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Unzip the archive into a temporary folder, right-click on 'TInstall.inf' and
- select "Install". TreeSize is then copied to your Windows directory and appears
- in the start menu and in the context menu of every folder and drive. TreeSize
- can be completely uninstalled via Control Panel / Software.
- Note: The installation under Windows 95/98 may have problems if the files
- are placed in a folder with long file names in the path. In this case
- Windows may ask for a disk "TreeSize". You can then either place the files
- in a folder with only short names in the path (e.g. C:\TEMP) or, when the
- dialog appears, just browse for the original folder where you unzipped
- the files.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * TreeSize requires V4.70 or higher of COMCTL32.DLL. This version is
- available from Microsoft since October 1996 and is required by nearly all
- modern software. Since it is installed on approximately 99% of all PCs,
- we decided not to include it, because this reduces the download size by
- 430kb. For the unlikely case that you receive an error message concerning
- COMCTL32.DLL or the images on the toolbar are missing, please download
- Microsoft's update of COMCTL32.DLL (430kb) from:
- http://download.microsoft.com/msdownload/ie401/patch/comcontrol/en/401comupd.exe
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The following information is important. Provided are instructions and
- information which makes understanding of TreeSize and how to use it easier.
- * The "wasted space" is the amount of space in clusters which is not
- completely filled (the last cluster of every file or if the file is smaller
- than one cluster) The file system FAT of Windows 95 has very big cluster sizes
- (up to 32k), so the amount of wasted space may significant (up to 25%).
- Please note: size of files + wasted space = allocated space.
- For a file of 1 KB size on a 1.2 GB hard disk you have wasted space of 31kb and
- allocated space of 32kb.
- * To reduce the wasted space on your hard disk, put folders with a lot of
- wasted space on a compressed drive, or use FAT32 or Windows 2000/XP with NTFS.
- You can also make smaller partitions, but this increases the number of drive
- letters.
- * On a compressed drive, the values for allocated and wasted space may be
- incorrect. Normally, on a compressed drive only a little space is wasted, but
- it depends on the type of compression. TreeSize Professional has full support
- for NTFS compression.
- * All folders which are visible in the window, will be included in the printed
- report. If you want a complete report, select the top folder and select
- "Full Expand" from the context menu.
- * The small indicator bars, which can be selected to appear in the view menu,
- indicate the size of a folder relative to the scanned folders. Large folders are
- additionally marked with a yellow bar and very large folders with a red bar.
- * With a user defined cluster size, you can look what the values for occupied
- and wasted space would be with another cluster size on your disk. A rescan
- of the current folder is necessary when you change the cluster size.
- * You can use the CD-ROM clustersize to determine how much space a directory
- tree would occupy on a CD-ROM.
- * By default the Windows folder "System Volume Information" is not accessible
- for users as well as Administrators (you can check this in the Windows
- Explorer after switching the hiddon files to "on").
- * Only file system folder can be scanned with TreeSize
- * To view the files in a folder, select 'Open' from the context menu of a folder
- * The 'filter' and 'user defined cluster size' are not saved to the
- registry in order to avoid wrong values being used by TreeSize next time.
- * "Access Denied" and other error messages are displayed by Windows and can be
- suppressed in the Professional version.
- * Treesize displays German menus if "German" is selected in the control panel.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- TreeSize Professional is also available. In addition to the features
- of TreeSize, it has some powerful new features:
- * It is possible to save the scanned Data to a text or HTML file , copy it to
- the clipboard or export it directly to Excel
- * TreeSize Pro can show the results for each folder grouped by user or
- by extension.
- * TreeSize Pro is now able to save its data to an XML file and to load it
- again later.
- * A saved XML file can be used to compare it against the current version of
- the file system branch. The difference between the two scans will be
- displayed and makes it easy to see which folders have grown.
- * Columns can be configured separately for the TreeSize Pro window, Excel
- export, HTML Export, Text export and printed reports. Some new columns have
- been added. The columns can be selected and sorted in the Options dialog.
- * 3D bar and pie charts can be displayed or printed
- * See all details (size, allocated, wasted, percent, files) at a glance.
- * The last access and last change date of every file and folder is shown
- * Multiple Folders can be scanned multithreaded in the same window
- * Values are displayed in the form: 1,234,567.0 kb. The number of decimals
- and the unit (KB/MB/GB) is configurable
- * The contents of a directory can be printed, including all files and
- the corresponding icons
- * You can search disks for obsolete files (like temporary files, browser cache
- files, etc.) and for very large files
- * Under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 the owner of files and folders is displayed
- * Full support for NTFS compression (the compression rate is displayed too)
- and for symbolic links of NTFS5.
- * Under Windows NT/2000/XP TreeSize Pro is able to scan folders to which the
- current user does not have access to
- * A list of all files in the scanned file system branch can be exported
- * Small folders can be removed from the tree to have a better overview
- * Command line options allow scheduled scans
- * Help file and printable manual
- * And much more ...
- A trial version is available on: http://www.jam-software.com/treesize/
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- TreeSize is freeware, which means you can use TreeSize without charge and
- distribute the complete archive. TreeSize is intended for private use.
- People who use TreeSize at work should consider using TreeSize Professional,
- which offers a lot of additional features.
- Copyright ⌐1996-2005 by Joachim Marder
- ~~~~~~~
- JAM Software
- Joachim Marder
- Bruchhausenstr. 1
- 54290 Trier
- Germany
- E-Mail : info2@jam-software.com
- WWW : http://www.jam-software.com
- ~~~~~~~
- Version 1.77: Released on 11 Oct 2005
- - Bugfix: The last version occasionally reported wrong sizes for folders
- with a lot of zero byte files in it.
- Version 1.76: Released on 04 Oct 2005
- - Bugfix: Files with a size of exactly 4GB (2^32 Bytes) were counted as
- zero Bytes.
- - Some minor bug fixes and improvements
- Version 1.75: Released on 06 Jan 2005
- - Slight increase of scan speed
- - Windows XP style is now supported
- - Some minor
- - Bugfix: Directories that have formerly been expanded but are collapsed
- when the view mode (size, allocated, wasted, percent, ...) was changed have
- not been updated correctly.
- Version 1.74: Released on 16 Sep 2004
- - A problem with the rescan after switching to the user defined cluster size
- has been fixed.
- Version 1.73: Released on 10 Aug 2004
- - A problem with the Shell Context menu has been fixed.
- Version 1.72: Released on 24 Jun 2004
- - Some minor tweaks and bug fixes
- Version 1.71: Released on 05 Feb 2004
- - TreeSize does not stop with an error message now if it gets an Access Denied
- error while scanning the directory "System Volume Information". This special
- Windows folder cannot be accessed by default (TreeSize Pro however is also
- able to scan folders like this to which you do not have access to).
- - The "Update Branch" menu item in the context menu of Folder did not work
- in the previous version.
- - Some minor bug fixes.
- Version 1.7: Released on 04 July 2003
- - TreeSize now has an install / uninstall program
- Version 1.64: Released on 19 May 2003
- - Fixed problem with values in "CD-ROM cluster size" mode if >4GB.
- - The menu item "Readme.txt" now really opens the Readme file of TreeSize
- Version 1.63: Released on 19 Dec 2002
- - Some minor bug fixes
- Version 1.62: Released on 24 Jul 2002
- - A French user interface is now included and should be used automatically on a
- French Windows
- - Some minor bugs have been fixed
- Version 1.61: Released on 12 Mar 2002
- - The column headers in the printed report were missing in the previous version.
- - Some other minor issues fixed.
- Version 1.6: Released on 23 Dec 2001
- - TreeSize is now based on the code of TreeSize Professional, that means it
- is faster and more robust now.
- - TreeSize no longer tries to scan the FTP servers that are part of the
- shell extension of WS FTP Professional
- - A problem with corrupt toolbar images with certain Win98 garphic card
- drviers has been fixed.
- - In the printed report directory lines are now printed
- - Several minor improvements have been incorporated.
- Version 1.51: Released on 16 Aug 1999
- - Sometimes TreeSize caused all small Windows icons to have the wrong
- background color. This is corrected now.
- - Under Win98 TreeSize occasionally displayed an error message on startup. This
- is fixed now.
- - Under Windows 2000 TreeSize tried to scan My NetHood. This is fixed now.
- - The drives in the "Scan" menu now have a shortcut key
- Version 1.5: Released on 14 Jan 1999
- - Drives can be selected for scanning from the main menu
- - Added "Properties" to context menu of topmost tree item. This allows you
- to call the properties dialog of your drives which contains the pie chart.
- - Added toolbar images to main menu
- - Recompiled with Borland Delphi V4.0
- - Fixed problem: Sometimes wrong icon for the '<Files>' node
- - Fixed problem: Files >2GB were not handled correct.
- - Fixed problem: Allocated space was calculated slightly wrong.
- - Some minor bug fixes
- Version 1.44: Released on Aug 1 1998
- - An error is removed which sometimes occurred when refreshing a folder
- - TreeSize now shows free space >2GB correctly
- Version 1.43: Released on Feb 1 1998
- - Included a workaround for the problem which occured on some systems when
- scanning the Channels folder of IE4.
- - The Recycled folders now show the correct size on IE4 and Windows 98 systems
- Version 1.42: Released on 6 Dec 1997
- - Fixed a problem with missing Toolbar images
- Version 1.41: Released on 5 Dec 1997
- - Fixed a problem with uninstallation
- - Fixed a problem with root context menu
- Version 1.4: Released on 15 Nov 1997
- - New toolbar design
- - In the previous versions the space occupied by folders itself was not
- calculated correctly. This is now corrected.
- - Fixed a problem with wrong icon for the '<Files>' node
- - Recompiled with Delphi 3
- Version 1.3: Releasedd on 25 Jun 1997
- - The <DEL>-Key deletes a folder
- - The values are updated when a folder is deleted
- - Most Recently Used folder list in the file menu
- - Smaller progress bar, so free space, cluster size and file system type are
- visible during scan process
- - Added a Refresh button
- - The 'Files'-icon is only shown if there *are* any files in the folder
- - Corrected problem with cluster size, which occured on Netware drives
- - Corrected problem with window position saving
- - Corrected problem with filter option
- - Changed Treesize.inf script file so that uninstall works under NT
- - Some other small enhancements
- Version 1.2: Published on Jan 20 1997
- - FAT32 and compressed drives are handled correctly now
- - Added status bar help for all buttons and menu items
- (Feel free to correct my english)
- - Visibility state of the toolbar is saved now
- Version 1.1: Published on Dec 28 1996
- - A filter like '*.doc' can be set
- - The small indicator bars now indicate the the type of value chosen in the
- View-Menu (e.g. wasted space or size), not only the allocated space
- - Some small bug fixes
- Version 1.0: Published on Dec 2 1996
- - fixed problem with too big tool/status bar which occured with some video
- drivers
- - Virtual folder names are displayed correctly now under NT
- - Moved 'Full Collapse/Expand' to the context menu
- - Added 'Parent Directory' Button
- Version 0.2 - 0.9: Published 08 Aug 96 - 21 Nov 96